Animal Clinical Trials Prove Can-C™ Safe and Effective “A new phenomenon of “melting snow” in only a few short weeks…

Study: Treatment of Age-Related Cataracts In Canines
Publication: Current Drug Therapy, 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1 107
Date published: January 17, 2022
Authors: Mark Babizhayev MA PhD

Animal Clinical Trials

The testing of various anti-glycation agents over nearly a decade led a Russian research team to the development of n-alpha-acetylcarnosine as a delivery system for the natural eye anti-oxidant of L-carnosine. Once laboratory testing was passed, the next stage began to test the N-acetyl-carnosine Can-C eye-drops in the eyes of animals, (specifically canines and rabbits). These studies produced remarkably fast results in the improvement of clarity, glare sensitivity and overall vision for the animals involved. Furthermore, no serious side effects were noted and the beneficial affects were sustainable. Unsurprisingly, these positive results in animals led to the studies being continued in humans.

Control Study: Thirty dogs, (60 eyes) received topical application of Can-C 1% N-acetylcarnosine eye drop solution twice daily to cataracts.

  • Improved visual behaviour of the animals within weeks of treatment.
  • Cataract reversal starts from the periphery of the cataract followed by increased transparency of the lens.
  • 96% of canine eyes treated with N-acetylcarnosine (Can-C) showed notable improvements.
  • Dogs with both immature and ripe cataracts showed significant visual improvement.

Current Drug Therapy, 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1 107 – Excerpt from; “Treatment of Age-Related Cataracts in Canines” – Mark Babizhayev MA PhD

Clinical Study Proves Can-C™ Safe and Effective “A new phenomenon of “melting snow” in only a few short weeks…

The testing of various anti-glycation agents over nearly a decade led a Russian research team to the development of n-alpha-acetylcarnosine as a delivery system for the natural eye anti-oxidant of L-carnosine. Once laboratory testing was passed, the next stage began to test the N-acetyl-carnosine Can-C eye-drops in the eyes of animals, (specifically canines and rabbits). These studies produced remarkably fast results in the improvement of clarity, glare sensitivity and overall vision for the animals involved. Furthermore, no serious side effects were noted and the beneficial affects were sustainable. Unsurprisingly, these positive results in animals led to the studies being continued in humans.

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